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Saturday, January 30, 2016

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Pray for Morning (2015 film)



In 1984, a group of five high schoolers had broken into an abandoned hotel, as was tradition after graduation. They were all gruesomely murdered. At the insistence of one set of parents, the police brought in a psychic, as they could find no leads.

The psychic said that the murderer was still in the hotel. The police searched but found no one. The psychic died in her sleep that night. The search was never continued, the murderer never found.

20 years later, six students had planned to enter the hotel. Two younger high school students found out that they were "up to something" and they "wanted in."

The plan was, during the course of one night, to find all five rooms where the students were murdered. They find a severed hand in the first room and it unleashes a horrible curse. After the first two deaths, they find out that they need to find the other hand and the body and bury them together.


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