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Saturday, January 30, 2016

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Phrak Thong and Neang Neak


History of the film

Phrak Thong and Neang Neak by MK Production with English Sub-Title released to public in May of 2004. The making of this movie was an early attempt by MK Production Company based in Lowell, Massachusetts USA, to recreate an Epic story of Buddha at 80 who foretold the birth of a nation "the Khmer Empire".The journey of crossing realm love story between the Human Prince of the Khmer Empire and the Daughter of the Sea God (Naga).

Khmer traditional practice at the finishing part of the "Wedding Ceremony" is when the Groom holding the Bride cape then entering the bedroom that symbolized the beginning of their union as husband and wife, this tradition came from one part of the story when the Human Prince was safely entered the Naga Realm by holding the Naga daughter cape in order to meet her parents in her realm...


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